Bought my own Microlight. Another massive tick on the bucket list ..... wow
Microlight? Really......?
Bought my own Microlight. Another massive tick on the bucket list ..... wow
N PPL (m) Pilot
After 10 years I finally make the commitment to do this!
From the first lesson, first Solo flight to the final GST test - it's been amazing! Thanks Greg at Two Two Fly for adapting your aircraft and making this possible!
NEWS- just bought my own plane and new fly/camp adventures are underway!
Touring mid France with a great group of Paramotor pilots. So many awesome venues and places visited
Soaring with the Paragliders. Heavenly!
Thanks Neil. I'm hooked, next stop OMAN to learn to fly solo and get my license
Touring mid France with a great group of Paramotor pilots. So many awesome venues and places visited
Paramotor Pilot
I knew this was for me the first time I saw one in the sky...
from Darley Moor with Neil Laughton in a Dualseat trike, to Oman with SkySchoolUK learning to fly solo, my own trike from Parajet, then flying adventures in France and finally falling out the sky back at home base airfield - it's still been incredible and emotional experience!
Check out these awesome pics..
Tiger Moth flight and even got to land it.. cheers Will
Model: 7AC Champion 1946
basic, but awesome stable fun in the Thruster
Tiger Moth flight and even got to land it.. cheers Will
Other flying
Luckily enough I've had opportunites with a number of associations and individuals to try other aircraft.
Just a few...